Silicon Valley Youth Bridge

Stephanie Youngquist

Stephanie is a relatively new bridge player, having played duplicate bridge for only two years. While it has been a relatively short time, it has become a huge interest for her and her whole family.

Stephanie earned a B.S. from UC Berkeley and Masters and PhD from Stanford University in Materials Science and Engineering. She worked as a process development engineer and integration engineer in the semiconductor R&D industry.

Stephanie has had many rolls volunteering in her children’s schools. Currently, she is the VP of Communications and the team parent for the Speech and Debate team at Palo Alto High School. She is also co-chairing the science fair for her 6th year at JLS Middle School in Palo Alto. Silicon Valley Youth Bridge has been such a wonderful place for her children to blossom and she is happy to serve on the Board of Directors in addition to her other SiVY volunteer work.