Silicon Valley Youth Bridge

September 27, 2013

To inspire the next generation of players, SiVY Bridge hosts monthly events where kids can gather to meet other young players, play cards, and have fun. Our September event was the third Pizza Party Play Bridge and attracted 32 young people between the ages of 10 and 25. All enjoyed the bridge games -- and also the pizza, sodas, cake, and snacks!

The September event featured a 3 table ACBL masterpoint tournament, a 2 table mini-bridge tournament, and 3 more tables of casual play. It was very exciting to have some students from our after school programs at this event for the first time.

Congratulations to Brent Xiao and Emily Kelly, who tied for first in a 3- table ACBL Individual masterpoint tournament. They not only received masterpoints for this victory but also got some cool Bridge Winners T-shirts.

Mini-bridge tournament winners were Noah Garcia and Kyra Helmbold. Noah chose an autographed copy of Bridge for Dummies and Kyra chose a Spotify gift card for their wins.

The primary purpose of these parties is to give the aspiring young players a chance to enjoy the company and competition of other youth. A side benefit to these has been that 3 of the attendees have been inspired to take classes targeted for adults at the Bridge Center. Watch out for Cornelius Duffie (13) and Michael Hu (10), taking the Intermediate class, and Jon Coleman (14) who is in the beginning class. These future pros will likely soon be playing in the club and grabbing all the masterpoints!

Game Results

Our bridge games are American Contract Bridge League (ACBL) sanctioned awarding masterpoints (MP) to high scorers. ACBL membership is not required for our games but is strongly suggested. You can join online or at the Bridge Center on the night of an event. Adult membership is $28 for the first year and junior membership only $15 per year. Both include a monthly print magazine and registration of masterpoints (start earning towards becoming a Life Master!).