Silicon Valley Youth Bridge

Parent - Child Duplicate

August 30, 2015

There were five tables at our Sunday afternoon Parent-Child duplicate game. A Howell pair movement was used, and as a consequence, every pair played against every other pair in this event. Paul Davis filled in as director. There was a cookie break during the middle and everyone had a brief time to socialize.

This was the Parent-Child event for Donghui Lu/Jasmine Lu and Max Schireson/Olivia Schireson. Olivia said she had a great time, and Max said what he enjoyed most was spending time playing with his daughter.

The first three spots went to the now seasoned pairs Bo Xiao/Rory Xiao, Mathew Shi/Jun Shi and Michael Hu/Linzhi Hu. Britt D’Arezzo/Carol Swensen placed first in the B strata and Britt’s sister Olivia playing with her dad Tom D’Arezzo placed 1st in the C strata.

Young players play with a parent or grandparent as partner, trying to win American Contract Bridge League (ACBL) masterpoints and enjoying each other's company. Director Will Watson plans the game so that each pair would be able to meet and play against almost all the others.

Duplicate bridge is one of the few competitive activities in which people of all ages can participate as equals. Participants in the Parent-Child duplicate range from youth to seniors, but each pair has to work together to score well. Bridge is also one of the few games in which new players have the opportunity to compete against and learn from established stars.

Participants in our events range from duplicate bridge novices to experienced ACBL Life Masters to a world champion--all enjoying the company as well as the challenge of the game itself. A typical reaction was one youth's first words as he and his father left, "Can we do that again?"

Grandparents and parents looking for ways to connect with their young family members and entice them away from their iPods and their Game Boys should consider taking up bridge as a family activity. The youngsters may end up teaching them a few things, and that's a great feeling for everyone.

Bridge games at our events are American Contract Bridge League (ACBL) sanctioned awarding masterpoints (MP) to high scorers. ACBL membership is not required for our games but is strongly suggested. You can join online or at the Bridge Center on the night of an event. Adult membership is $29 for the first year and junior membership only $15 per year. Both include a monthly print magazine and registration of masterpoints (start earning towards becoming a Life Master!).