=-[[ SiVYBridge Firecracker Youth Day

Silicon Valley Youth Bridge

2019 Firecracker Youth Day

Firecracker Sectional
IFES Hall / Bridge Center
July 3-July 7, 2019

Saturday July was “Youth Day” at this year’s Firecracker Sectional. Youth day has become an annual tradition where young players enjoy pizza under the trees and many play their first duplicate tournament open to players of all ages.

Under 5 point players Victor Chung and Richard Liu played two sessions, winning masterpoints in both.  They aren't under 5 any more!    Winston Li and Quan Nguyen had a 60% game in the afternoon 0-5 pairs to win that event, in which eleven youth players participated.   Austin Krawczyk played in his first tournament, having just learned Bridge at camp;  he and his partner finished above average.   The sister and brother team of Max and Annika Umeno partnered up as well.  They learned Bridge at SiVY pizza parties and at camp.

SiVY players and mentors distinguished themselves in the knockout event, too.  The SiVY mentor team of Sarah Youngquist, Li-Chung Chen, Cheryl Mandala, and Yul Inn won Bracket One.  The event features tough competition including SiVY founding President Debbie Rosenberg.

The SiVY volunteer / player team of Serena Guo, seven year-old Andew Chen, ten year-old Kayden Ge, and Kayden's parents Min Bai and Xin Ge won Bracket Three.