Silicon Valley Youth Bridge

2015 Scoring

Pair Event

The Pairs Championship used Matchpoint scoring. In this form of scoring, a pair's score on each board is compared to other pairs holding their same cards. One matchpoint is awarded for each score a pair beats, and a half matchpoint for each tie. Every board is weighed equally. In this event, each deal was played 4 times, so the maximum score on each board (top) was 3 matchpoints. In a matchpoint game, pairs often look at their percentage to see how well they did, rather than their matchpoint total. An average game is 50%, and 60% is generally considered a very good result.

Seven high school pairs entered the Championship, so an ineligible (NE) pair of recent college graduated played to fill out the movement. Each pair played 3 boards against each of the other pairs.

Team Event

In the morning session, the teams played a total of 24 boards - 8 boards against each opposing team. A team's net score was converted to IMPs, and then IMP scores were converted to Victory Points. Palo Alto HS won all three Round Robin matches and qualified for the final with a .5 IMP carryover, meaning that they would be Champions in the event of a tie. Monta Vista was 2nd in the Round Robin so qualified to face Paly in the Championship Final.

In the Championship Final, a 20-board match was played in 2 10 board halves. Scores were converted to IMPs. Monta Vista led by 37 IMPs when the teams compared at the halfway point. The second half was much closer, with Monta Vista picking up another 3 IMPS to win by 40 IMPs (39.5 with the .5 carryover taken into account).