Silicon Valley Youth Bridge Center for Bridge Education

The Newsletter of Silicon Valley Youth Bridge

President's Corner

It’s Fall, which means time for the North American Bridge Championships (NABC), being held in San Francisco for the first time in seven years! I hope by now everyone has plans to join us for Junior Day on Saturday, November 30. There will be a special Youth Pairs games, a Junior Day Party, and a Zip KO for the night owls among you. Don’t miss out!

Fall also means a new school year is underway. Seven High School and four Middle School clubs are already in full swing, with 2 more getting started this month. The High Schoolers are already forming teams in preparation for next year’s Bay Area High School Bridge Championship, to be held on March 8, 2020.

Finally, this time of year means the holidays are fast upon us and many families are already planning their summer vacations. This summer SiVY will hold its annual Bridge Summer Camp June 22-26 and the Youth NABC will be held in Montreal, Canada July 23-25. Save the dates! Registration will be available early in the New Year.

I hope you enjoy the other stories of our SiVY Bridge youth and their successes as well.
Happy Holidays to all – and see you in San Francisco,

Randy Ryals