Parent-Child Duplicate will be a separate section at Club Director Will Watson’s duplicate game.
Each pair will consist of one junior player (age 25 or younger as of January 1st 2020) partnering a parent or grandparent.
This is an opportunity for younger players to get to know each other, while sharing a game with a parent or grandparent. For some, it may be a first experience at competitive bridge. This will be an American Contract Bridge League (ACBL) sanctioned tournament, awarding masterpoints to high scorers.
Date TBD
12-3 PM
As usual, light snacks will be served throughout, and there will be a milk and cookies break. Bring your own lunch if you wish.
Location: Bridge Center. 432A Stierlin Road, Mountain View
$10/person, 50% discount for youth 25 and under. Includes coffee, tea and snacks during the game.
Sign up using the form below. If you need to cancel, resubmit the form indicating your need to cancel.
You can verify your signup and see who else is coming (but not sign up) here.
View the stories and pictures from past events.
Players who are new to duplicate are welcome, however all players, including the juniors, are expected to know basic bridge, including bidding, and to be able to make legal bids and plays consistently. They don’t have to be great bids and plays! Knowledge of tournament etiquette and strategy is not required – it will be a friendly game, and these things can be learned as you go along.
ACBL membership is not required, but is strongly suggested. You can register online at acbl.org, or else at the bridge center at the event. Adult membership is $29 for the first year, and junior membership only $15 per year. Both include a monthly print magazine, and registration of masterpoints (start earning towards becoming a Life Master!).