Youth NABC

The Youth North American Bridge Championships (Youth NABC) is the premier event for aspiring youth bridge players in North America. This year’s Youth NABC will be held July 25-27 in Toronto.

SiVY Bridge helps local players find partners and teammates, hosts pre-tournament training sessions, and provides a free t-shirt for the onsite group photo. SiVY members can also apply for a $600 sponsorship per player to help cover travel costs to the Youth NABC.

Please complete both registration forms if you are interested in attending!

  1. ACBL registration and information:
  2. SiVY registration and (optional) sponsorship application:

Please reach out to Amber Lin ( with any questions.

SiVY Sponsorship Requirements

  • SiVY event attendance and interest in bridge: Sponsorships will be awarded with highest priority to players who have more frequently attended SiVY events within the year before the event (at least 3). Players may submit other explanations of their bridge efforts if they have been unable to attend as many SiVY events.
  • Pre-tournament training: All players must attend at least one “pre-tournament” training event before the Youth NABC. We will offer multiple date options on Fridays and weekends in June and July.
  • Post-tournament form: All players must submit a short recap of their experience after the tournament is completed.

Benefits of Attending 

  • A way to meet and form relationships with other aspiring youth players from around the country
  • An opportunity for improving your bridge skills while playing in a large group of other kids at similar levels
  • A chance to compete for scholarships and other prizes

Read about the experiences and achievements of past participants.