Here are some more opportunities to learn bridge.

Palo Alto Unit 503 – Offers a comprehensive education program including classes, free lectures, learning game (lesson and mentored bid/play), and mentoring.

The Center for Bridge Education in San Francisco – Free online games for bridge-playing kids. Meets on Tuesdays an Saturdays.

US Hooligans / Planet Hool – Fast-paced, easy-going program teaching beginners of all ages. Kids play and learn with other kids; adults with other adults. Meets on Tuesdays and Saturdays.
Youth Bridge Association – Four high school age members of the US Youth National Bridge Team who began their bridge careers as SiVY players have newly formed an organization to bring the game of bridge to the next generation of students through interactive training sessions and inter-school competition.
Bridge Videos
There are numerous teaching videos on the internet. The following provide introductory and beginning bridge instruction.
Elena Grewal offers a series of short videos introducing new players to bridge. Videos
Joan Butts offers a series of short videos for beginning players Videos
Peter Hollands offers a series of videos for beginning through more advanced players. Videos
Online Resources
Bridge Base Online – Free online bridge. Largest bridge site in the world. Duplicate, tournaments, money games, vugraph, more.
Bridge Master – test your play with beginning through World Class play.
BridgeClues – Provides bridge puzzles while giving clues for improving one’s bridge game. Two free hands on bidding and play are provided daily.
Bridge Winners – Read about bridge, answer problems, take lessons to improve your bidding and play, create convention cards. Free,
- Games – Counting Game trains you to recognize distributions of bridge hands without pause for thought. High Card Hunter trains you to count up those sweet sweet HCPs without even thinking about it.
Bridge With Larry Cohen – This website offers numerous free articles by one of the world’s most prominent and entertaining bridge teachers.
The Bridge World – The Bridge World Magazine was founded in 1929 by Eli Culbertson. While the content of the monthly magazine is superb, it is intended for advanced players. Consider a subscription if/when you are ready for advanced material. In the meantime, the website offers a wealth of free bridge instruction, and an excellent bookstore.
Frank Stewart Daily Bridge Column – Hand of the day. As seen in many newspapers.
Learn to Play Bridge Software – This free software is presented in two volumes: Learn to Play Bridge 1, for beginners, and Learn to Play Bridge 2, for those who know the basics but want to develop their playing, bidding and defense skills.