Thank you for your interest in providing financial support for our programs.
We are an all-volunteer organization. Our expenses are used for certifying teachers, classroom materials, parent-child and drop-in games, youth parties and other activities. We also hold inter-scholastic tournaments, hold a summer bridge camp and offer scholarships and training to help local students attend national events. Read about our programs.
Silicon Valley Youth Bridge is fiscally sponsored by the Peninsula Bridge Education Foundation (PBEF) a 501(C)(3) charitable organization. Donations to us via PBEF are tax deductible. 100% of donations made to PBEF in our name are provided to us.
SiVY A Story of Youth Bridge Success.
Donate by PalPal or Credit Card
Your donation is being made to the Peninsula Bridge Education Foundation (PBEF), our Financial Sponsor, which is a 501(C)(3) non-profit). Your PayPal / Credit Card statement may not reference SiVY Bridge but be assured that all donations made through the link below will be credited to us.
Donate by Check
Write a check to Silicon Valley Youth Bridge, include your email address in the memo field and mail it to:
Silicon Valley Youth Bridge
c/o Alan Templeton
1142 Kelsey Drive
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Donations may also be given to the director of games at the Bridge Center.